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Register to Play

Wichita Defenders


Note:  Up to 3 athletes can register on single form 


Note:  When selecting to pay using installments, simply return to the Payment of Fees Form to submit each additional payment before the due date.


Looking to Pay Now > Pay Fees Here

Online Registration Form

Choose Sport
Has your child participated with another team in the last 12 months?
Do you need to register another athlete?
Choose Sport
Has your child participated with another team in the last 12 months?
Do you need to register another athlete?
Choose Sport
Has your child participated with another team in the last 12 months?

We understand that the Defenders' is a home school organization and therefore an athlete must be 51% home schooled in order to be eligible to play. 


We understand that the Defenders is a Christian organization as described in the "Statement of Faith" and "Code of Conduct."  Therefore we agree to uphold the best of our ability these standards in order to help The Defenders maintain good character in the community. 


We understand that failure to adhere to any of these standards could affect my player's eligibility to participate with The Defenders organization. 



All uniforms are the property of The Defenders and will be returned in good condition and we accept responsibility to replace any uniforms we have lost or damaged. 


We, the parent(s) and athlete(s), agree to volunteer and help out when the need arises.

Medical Release Form

I certify that my child(ren), named above, is physically capable and able to fulfill requirements needed to participate in the Wichita Defenders Sports Program.  By signing this form, I release all obligations for the  medical treatment of my son/daughter in the event of illness or injury during any sport rlated activity when either parent cannot be reached.  If there is any physical or medical reason why he/she should not participate fully, The Defenders requires a doctor's release.




Medical Treatment Release:

In the event of an emergency occurring involving my son/daughter while at a Defender's sponsored activity, I grant permission to the coaches and/or Athletic Director to take whatever action necessary to ensure my son/daughter receives medical attention.

Person(s) to be notified, other than parent or guardian, in case of emergency:

Acknowledgement of Risk & Hold Harmless Agreement

I hereby acknowledge that I have voluntarily chosen to have my child (children) participate in the Wichita Defenders Sports Programs (hereinafter called “program”) offered by the Wichita Defenders Homeschool Sports Association.​


I understand the risks involved in the program. I recognize that the program and its activities involves risk of injury and I agree to accept any and all risks associated with it, including but not limited to property damage or loss, minor bodily injury, severe bodily injury, and death. Furthermore, I recognize that participation in the program involves activities and risks incidental thereto, including but not limited to, transportation related to the program, games, competitions, training, practices, scrimmages, plays, physical contact with other players, limited availability of medical assistance and the possible reckless conduct of other participants. My child (children) participation is voluntarily in the program with my knowledge of the risks involved and I hereby agree to accept any and all inherent risks of property damage, bodily injury, or death.


In consideration of my child’s (children’s) participation in the program and to the fullest extent permitted by law, I agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Wichita Defenders Homeschool Sports Association, its trustees, officers, directors, employees, agents, volunteers and assigns from and against all claims arising out of or resulting from my child’s (children’s) participation in the program. “Claim” as used in this agreement means any financial loss, claim, suit, action, damage or expense, including but not limited to attorney’s fees, attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, or injury to or destruction of tangible property including loss of use resulting there from. In addition, I hereby voluntarily hold harmless Wichita Defenders Homeschool Sports Association, its trustees, officers, directors, employees, agents, volunteers and assigns from any and all claims, both present and future, that may be made by me, my family, estate, heirs or assigns


I hereby expressly agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Wichita Defenders Homeschool Sports Association, its trustees, officers, directors, employees, agents, volunteers and assigns for any claim out of or incident to my child’s (children’s) participation in the program.


I also understand that Wichita Defenders Homeschool Sports Association does not provide any medical or dental insurance or life insurance to cover bodily injury, illness or death, nor insurance for personal property damage or loss.


I agree that this acknowledgement of risk and hold harmless is effective for as long as I participate in the program.



NCHC Definition of a HomeSchool Student-Athlete

“Homeschooling” is defined to mean that a student’s education is parent-directed and done at home. As such, the parents shall be directly involved in their child’s education, playing role of the headmaster thereby (1) selecting curriculum, (2) selecting and/or approving course materials and study schedules, & (3) selecting tutors, coop’s, teachers, dual enrollment options, &/or resources for their child’s education. Homeschooling would also include a person of legal responsibility* of the student filling the role of a parent (*must be pre-approved by the NCHC).


The Role of Outside Institutions...

Private and Public Schools – Full-time enrollment in a traditional public or private school is not homeschooling because the child’s education in such schools is not parent-directed. A player that attends any type of school full-time is not eligible. Even if the school is small and does not offer sports. For part-time students at these types of schools, the student must maintain at least 51% of his/her education from classes that meet the homeschooling definition.


Coop or Umbrella Schools – The participation in a cooperative school, and/or an umbrella school is permitted in multiple circumstances. 1) In some states, “HomeSchool students” are required by law to attend a private school and, in such cases, cooperative or umbrella schools are formed for this purpose. The approval of these types of schooling situations are automatic in states with these types of laws. These schools, whether called cooperative, umbrella, or “private,” are characterized by significant and direct parental involvement, often simply representing different forms of homeschooling within a group of like-minded families. In such cases where the student-athlete meets the definition of HomeSchooling and is involved in a coop and umbrellas school. 2) States that have more homeschool friendly laws than stated above provided the cooperative, umbrella, etc. are characterized by significant and direct parental involvement, representing different forms of homeschooling within a group of like-minded families. In such cases where the student-athlete meets the definition of homeschooling while being involved in a coop and umbrellas school.


Vocational Classes – "HomeSchool students" are permitted to take classes at vocational schools. A student may take classes at such schools as long as he/she maintains at least 51 % of his education from classes that meet the homeschooling definition.


51% Rule – For clarification purposes, a normal course load for a full-time student is six (6) core courses; therefore, if a student-athlete is taking more than three (3) courses at a public, private, or vocational, he/she is not considered 51%homeschooled (dual credit/enrollment classes are not counted against the student).


Dual Credit/Enrollment Clause – Freshman, Sophomore, & Junior HomeSchool Student-Athletes that are taking advantage of Dual Credit/Enrollment Programs are required to take a minimum of three (3) High School Courses per semester. Senior HomeSchool Student-Athletes that are taking advantage of Dual Credit/Enrollment Programs are required to take a minimum of two (2) High School Courses per semester. High School Courses can be electives (like PhysicalEducation, etc.) High School Courses can be taken through Co-Ops or any other eligible parent directed definition.


Online At Home – "What is the NCHC stance for “Online at Home” (Connections Academy, K12, Epic, etc.)?" The NCHC does not have an approved or unapproved curriculum. The NCHC leaves curriculum choice to the parent’s discretion, provided it is done at home and the parents have the ability to change curriculum at their discretion. Clarification: The Online at Home rule excludes students enrolled in their local school district, who are doing school online due to COVID-19.


These rules are designed to protect the reputation of Homeschool organizations.​

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